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Forever Beads, How it all started


Updated: May 29, 2020

Hi everyone, welcome to my first blog post. Firstly I’ll apologise before I start as I know this is something I am not going to be great at but something I have been wanting to do for sometime. I wanted to give you all a little insight into our little business (I say our, as it’s not just myself, I have the best business partner, I’m guessing he may not say the same, after all I am his mum, joking apart as a mother and son team we do get on really well.) I know I am very biased and every mum says how amazing their offspring are but I am truly blessed and we would not be where we are today without Alec. He is extremely hard working, amazingly clever and his creative brain is unreal and I am more than proud.

Forever Beads really started with my love, passion or maybe my total obsession with jewellery.

I liked how I could make something very unique and personal with charms and beads, these clever little creations looked so pretty on a nice quality necklace and bracelet. The high street brands are very beautiful but it was difficult / expensive to create what I wanted to achieve.

I discovered a small independent shop selling glass beads and charms and started making my pieces to wear. I would maybe wear pink to work one day so I would put something together with pink in and maybe blue the next day, I quickly became quite obsessed with making my jewellery accessories to match what I was wearing and I knew for a fact there was not an identical piece in existence, it was mine..I had made it.

It was so easy and convenient too simply slide them on and off and create something pretty very quickly. There had to be a bit of structure though nothing too random. I would like it symmetrical with matching pairs. The pieces I was buying were pretty but the quality wasn’t great, they were only £2 each after all. I sat thinking one day as you do and thought, there must be a gap in the market for these pretty beads so more of us girls can do this and not spend a small fortune.....and there you go that was pretty much how it all began.

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